Friday, February 27, 2009

Goals for this Deployment

Can't let almost a year go by and have nothing accomplished. Here is a list, in no particular order, of things I want to do/have before I come back to the states.

1. Be physically fit:
a. 300+ PT score
b. Be able to bench 250lbs+
c. Have less then 12% body fat

2. Have a good understanding of the Spanish language and be able to carry on a conversation at an elementary level.

3. Have a 6 digit trading account. High 5 digits will be satisfactory, and no, I'm not counting right of the decimal.

4. Developing...


Xuan said...

Those are some great goals, espcially the 4th one. We have three goals that are similar as well: Spanish, developing and getting fit. What are you currently doing to reach these goals? Hopefully we can start talking in Spanish ;)

Unknown said...

Goal 3 is good. It's kinda like the inverse of the goal i have for my loans

Anonymous said...

Esos son grandes. Seis digitos? Ay yi yi. Ha comenzado la cuenta de ahorros todavĂ­a? Tiene objetivos intelectuales o espirituales?

Anonymous said...

muy gracioso, mason.

Anonymous said...

put some soccer team info and pics on the blog.

Beneaththesombrero said...

you dont have to get depllllled to d any of these.... my first PT score was 9000 and I bench press 251 pounds. (I have a body like a steel factory) I habla espanol, and I currently have a seven figure trading account, in pesos. Maybe your real goals should be as follows.

1.) Get shithoused on euro beer and plow some sweet kosovo sugar.

2.) Learn how to play pickup sticks with your ass cheeks.

3.) Blow that entire whatever figure trading account on columbian snow disco shit....could be a party my man!

But seriously Im off to benning in a week and having completed several PT tests (none of which equaled 300) and I must say, that 300 pt score is no joke, youd get props from me for that one..all the way.